The project aims to foster the development of the internationalization of the SME’s and SMEs in Campania by encouraging participation in international trade fairs.
Thanks to the funding obtained, Jamalfi was able to take part in the 30th international exhibition of organic and natural SANA2018, held in Bologna from 7 to 10 September 2018.

The well-known event welcomes every year the organic excellence of the Italian territory, it is a very important B2B and B2C showcase, which allows companies to promote their products and encourages the creation of profitable commercial and promotional partnerships.

This opportunity has allowed us to meet international economic actors, these are currently favoring the export of the company, with positive repercussions on the increase in turnover generated by internationalization activities.

Expected results: meetings with foreign operators during the event.
Results achieved: 7 B2B meetings were held with North and Eastern European operators, with Chinese and Japanese operators. At present, in addition to the ongoing negotiations on China and Japan, we have sold in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and the Netherlands.
The participation has given prominence to the company, expanding its network of customers and retailers with positive economic feedback.
This project is co-funded by the European Union, the Italian State and the Campania Region, under the POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 “, through resources POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020 – Axis III – Specific Objective 3.4 – Action 3.4.2. – ” Incentives for the purchase of support services for internationalization in favor of SMEs ” PUBLIC NOTICE FOR THE SUPPLY OF VOUCHER FOR THE PARTICIPATION OF MICRO AND SME BELLS TO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION EVENTS
Financial support € 6,000.00.

via Delle Cartiere 104
84011 Amalfi (SA)
Phone (+39) 089 872 354
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VAT 05551270654